March 22, 2022
Valbridge Property Advisors | Utah County opened as a satellite office of the main Salt Lake City office in the mid-1990s and services all of Utah and western Wyoming. The Utah County team is led by Randall Henderson, MAI, and Bryan Free. The office is also home base for Stan Craft, MAI, who is a managing director and has been with our firm since 1994. The Utah County office provides a variety of valuation services including land, multi-family, office, retail, industrial, self-storage, convenience stores, recreational, and resort appraisals. Some notable and interesting assignments include the Solitude Ski Resort in Salt Lake County, the Boondock Family Fun Centers, the Ticaboo Resort in Southern Utah, the historic Fort Douglas military base in Salt Lake City, and numerous student housing complexes associated with Brigham Young University.
The Utah County Appraisal Team:
• Randall Henderson, MAI – Senior Managing Director
• Bryan Free – Senior Managing Director
• Stan Craft, MAI – Managing Director
• Jesse Shelley – Trainee Appraiser
• Bryce Homer – Research Analyst
• Mary Young – Administrative Assistant
Meet the team:

Randall Henderson, MAI, Senior Managing Director
Randall has been with our firm since 2008 and brings with him a background in construction management and architecture. He holds the MAI designation, is a Senior Managing Director, a shareholder in the firm, and is a certified general appraiser in Utah. He works on all property types but focuses more on convenience store/gas stations and multi-family properties. He has also helped with the development of some of the templates for Valbridge Property Advisors. Randall lives in Utah County with his wife and children. In his free time, he likes to be outdoors with his family hiking, camping, skiing, biking, etc. He also enjoys playing all sports with racquetball as his favorite.

Bryan Free, Senior Managing Director
Bryan started with our firm in 1992 providing temporary assistance with research and mapping. He came back permanently and started his journey appraising in 2005 and is now a Senior Managing Director, a shareholder in the firm, and a certified general appraiser holding licenses in Utah and Wyoming. Bryan and his wife Kathleen have four children. His oldest daughter is married and expecting his first grandchild. His second oldest daughter is in college and is getting ready to serve an 18-month mission for the LDS Church. His two youngest are in high school and middle school. He also has a two-year-old Malshipoo. In his spare time, he loves to hang out with family, serve in his community, political groups, and church. He also loves to play board/card games and hike in the beautiful Utah mountains. He has also been on two game shows, and he collects PEZ dispensers.